PATHway to Success
Learn how PATH is making a difference for organizations – and the people they serve – below.

Capacity and Infrastructure Transition Expansion and Development (CITED)
Have you applied for funding to support your organization’s workforce, vendor contracting, IT, community assessment and other Medi-Cal needs necessary to deliver ECM and Community Supports?

Collaborative Planning and Implementation (CPI)
Have you joined your local network of CalAIM stakeholders working together to implement quality Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports services for members?

Justice-Involved Capacity Building Program (JI)
Is your agency in the process of planning and implementing the provision of targeted pre-release Medi-Cal services to individuals in state prisons, county jails, and youth correctional facilities?

Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace
Would free coding and billing, client outreach and enrollment, program development, CalAIM implementation and monitoring, and other technical assistance services help your organization meet its Medi-Cal needs?
What is PATH?
The Department of Health Care Services is (DHCS) transforming Medi-Cal to ensure Californians get the care they need to live healthier lives. Managed care plans (MCP), providers, counties, tribes, and others are already implementing California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), but this vital work requires entities to have the infrastructure and capacity needed to deliver quality Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports.
Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) is a five-year, $1.85 billion initiative to build the capacity and infrastructure of on-the-ground partners to successfully participate in the Medi-Cal delivery system, as California implements Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports and Justice Involved services under CalAIM.
PATH provides critical funding to community-based providers, to enable them to participate in Medi-Cal – often for the first time. It can serve as a bridge between Medi-Cal managed care plans and community-based organizations (CBOs), county agencies, hospitals, Tribes and Indian Health Care Providers, among others.
PATH has been helping organizations across California work collaboratively to expand access to care in a more sustainable way that supports implementation at the community level.