PATH is Helping Organizations Provide Safe Shelter and Secure Housing

Chapman Consulting, a PATH Collaborative Planning and Implementation (CPI) Facilitator, shares the story of two community-based organizations (CBOs) in Santa Clara County that have partnered to connect individuals experiencing homelessness with county-based services.  

One CBO, Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, operates a service referred to as “The Window,” which offers various supports to individuals, including a mail service for those experiencing homelessness or recently released from incarceration, referrals to shelters, housing navigation, food, and access to other community programs. The other, Gardner Health Services, is an Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports services provider for Housing Transition/Navigation Services, Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services, and Recuperative Care. Through their “Highway to Home” program, this organization provides resources for clients to access safe shelter and housing services to address their specific needs and insecurities through case management. Since the launch of the project, the provider has made 76 referrals to ECM and Community Supports, resulting in 56 engagements with vital benefits and/or services.   

One client who was connected to the provider through ECM was facing housing insecurity as their landlord served a 90-day notice to vacate a rental. The provider connected the client with legal services and began to look for housing placement. Before the end of the 90-day period, the provider was able to obtain housing placement while continuing to support the client’s health care needs. Without ECM and Community Supports services, the client would likely have become homeless. The client credits the provider and staff for helping them obtain adequate housing and maintain their health and well-being. 

Have you joined your local network of CalAIM stakeholders working together to implement quality Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports services for members?