Building Capacity to Serve the Whole-Person

PATH Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED) funding is helping Committee on the Shelterless (COTS) in Sonoma County build their capacity to deliver Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports services for their most service-resistant clients.

PATH CITED funding has better positioned COTS to serve the physical, behavioral, and mental health needs of their clients – serving the whole person. COTS is excited to share that one of their clients is now scheduled to receive lifesaving surgery, and another client – a veteran – will be placed in permanent housing.

COTS is just one example of how PATH funding opportunities are strengthening Medi-Cal providers’ capacity to address the barriers to care and connect individuals to in-person services anchored in the communities in which they live.

Have you applied for funding to support your organization’s workforce, vendor contracting, IT, community assessment and other Medi-Cal needs necessary to deliver ECM and Community Supports?